
Canada to Re-Impose 20hr Work Rule


The Canadian government has announced that it will not extend the exemption to the 20-hour per week work limit for international students when classes are in session.

The exemption ends end of this year.

The government had lifted the 20-hour per week work limit last year due to a significant labor shortage in the country. However, the circumstances have evolved, leading to discussions about the need for a permanent change in policy.

But there is widespread opposition and concern over the decision not to extend the exemption.

One of the key arguments put forward by many international students is the rapid increase in the cost of living and the fierce competition for housing in Canada. They contend that relying solely on income from a 20-hour per week job is no longer sufficient to cover living expenses.

Moreover, the economic situation in many of the countries from which these students come has deteriorated, resulting in their parents being unable to send the same amount of financial support for their children studying in Canada.

The Canadian immigration department told Canada’s public broadcaster CBC that it is currently evaluating the impact of lifting the cap on international students. In 2022, more than 500,000 international students were granted permits to study in Canada, and this year, it is expected that the number will surpass 700,000.

The decision to end the exemption to 20-hour rules comes at a time when multiple media reports have highlighted a number of issues related to international students sector. These range from lack of adequate housing, which has led to some students sleeping under bridges, to students seeking help of food banks, and reports of students being duped by fraudulent recruiting agents with fake admission documents.

The government is currently holding consultations to resolve these issues.

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